That dream career you have your heart set on is going to stall out pretty quickly unless you can climb the ladder upwards. Competition is stiff for the few job promotions that exist within a company. To land a job that puts you on the next rung towards success requires more than simply being a good employee. You must do things that make you stand out from the crowd and get noticed. There are several steps you can take right now to begin working towards being promoted.

Get to Work On Time

An important quality in the ideal management candidate is showing everyone that you are committed to the job every single day. Showing up on time is a good way to display this trait. Lateness is not looked upon well by management. Regardless of how you commute to work, get an early start to ensure that you can be on the job promptly. Go one step better and arrive at least 10 to 15 minutes early. Your boss will notice.

Continue Your Education

A great way to prepare for a promotion is to continue your education by attending classes. It is a big advantage to gain knowledge about the latest skills and methods related to your industry. Respected institutions such as the University of Cincinnati Online offer flexible courses that you can take while still keeping up at your full time job.

Take On Extra Responsibility

Employers want workers that take initiative with a strong desire to achieve company objectives. After you have completed your regular tasks, make yourself invaluable by taking on an extra task or two. Let your boss know that you are more than happy to be of assistance wherever there is a need. This is a good way to learn other tasks that increases your knowledge of the company. This makes you a good candidate for a promotion because if you have taken on extra work and know how the company process works, they won’t have to spend as much time training you later.

Develop Your Personal Brand

Understand who you are as a person and employee. Think of yourself as a brand that provides value to the company. Write down your best qualities and strive to use them often.

Set Goals and Meet Them

Write down short-term and long-term goals and work towards meeting them each day. Your supervisor may give you a list of goals and tasks to complete at the beginning of each week, but you can also make your own. Maybe you feel you can do more than your supervisor asks, by all means, do it!

Dress for Success

Invest in a wardrobe that creates the image of success. Look the part. You never want to be under-dressed for work. This includes the small details like having freshly shined shoes and a face void of 5 o’clock shadow.

Develop a Strong Network

Do your best to meet and speak with managers and HR staff. Networking leads to familiarity, which leads to promotions. If you pass a boss in the hall or if you are riding in the elevator, don’t be afraid to start up a conversation or ask for an opinion on a certain project. You’ll want the higher-ups to remember who you are.

Don’t let yourself get stuck in a rut of the same job day in and day out. If you feel you are capable of greater things, prove yourself. By getting a higher education or proving you can meet goals, you can prove to your boss that you are capable and can be trusted with greater responsibility.




2 Comments on Seven Ways to Stand Out When Competing for a Promotion

  1. Craigq says:

    Ask to be mentored by your manager. While this may come across as a “suck up” move to others, you may be able to glean some perspective regarding what helped your boss move up the career ladder. This doesn’t even need to be advertised, and you can do this under the radar as to not attract attention.

  2. Sucha says:

    Really nice post man these points that you have mentioned are must to follow.


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