
dgupta5150 on January 29th, 2014

Testimonial of the Solo Sheet


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twc on April 3rd, 2011

  Over the last several years, we have seen a dramatic shift in the concept of a “career” as more and more people have been downsized, right sized, outsourced, and the like.   A career isn’t just vertical anymore; it’s how horizontal and in many cases, very much a zigzag. What do you do if you’re […]


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sarang on March 26th, 2011

Sarang Gupta offers some great advice on how to avoid wasting your time with employers that may be unscrupulous without any regard to a candidate’s or consultant’s fuel burned – currently at over $4/gallon in many cities.  Let’s read some of his tips: “Interview the company”.  It’s always been a good idea when job-seeking, even […]


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In today’s market, it’s all about your individual brand and what you can do to standout from the other applicants and candidates for the positions for which you’re applying and interviewing. No, you don’t have to be a marketer to know anything about branding. But, you do have to know yourself and how to leverage […]


Continue reading about Branding Yourself – Tips that You Can Use to Brand Yourself

twc on February 19th, 2011

As you may know, federal law protects job seekers and employees who are  40 years old and older. This protection falls under the Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA).  As a job seeker, it can be very hard to prove age discrimination. A savvy employer knows how to run a recruitment and selection process that […]


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twc on February 12th, 2011

In today’s market, it’s not uncommon to find that people need to take a position well beneath their usual and customary occupation in order to keep food on the table and a roof over their heads.  While it may seem counterintuitive, it’s really not: the key is to get the job without destroying your future […]


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dgupta5150 on January 31st, 2011

One job, hundreds of applications – What does the graduating MBA do to standout? A childhood friend of mine recently mentioned how he had come to meet a very diverse set of people. Be it a coffee shop, the bookstore or a grocery aisle – He said wherever there is a ‘queue’ therein lays the […]


Continue reading about WE ARE CONNECTED, NOW WHAT? By Vikram Moorjani

dgupta5150 on January 24th, 2011

All of us have to network for most things in life. It’s how most business gets done.  Many of us are very shy, introverted people who have a fear of networking – in person, by email, by phone, or in groups. In any job or other role that you’ve had,  you’ve networked. You may not […]


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It has been proven that in the first 60-seconds of meeting someone, that person has already come to 11 conclusions about who you are based solely upon what you look like.  As the owner of IMAGEine U., an image consulting company in the Philadephia area, I deal with clients on a daily basis that come […]


Continue reading about What to Wear to Work to be Successful: Can Casual Cut It? By Lauren Wuscher

The formal dress code in the workplace will never be out of style simply because if we mean business, then we dress for “business.” I would not want to do business with a man in his pajamas. Nor, would I want to do business with a person that has not showered and combed his hair. […]


Continue reading about Elsa Prado on Is The Business Formal Dress Code (Suit/Ties) In the Workplace Outdated?

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