Business on January 24th, 2014

Although there are a variety of professional ventures and business projects that require excellent marketing skills in order to attain success, running a successful campaign is a task in which having great advertising strategies is particularly important. This is the case for several reasons, including the fact that spreading information regarding a candidate to large […]


Continue reading about Campaigning Cuts: Tips on How to Spread the Word on January 24th, 2014

For start-up companies, or companies with a watchful eye on the budget, the funding of marketing campaigns can be difficult at times. A lack of good advertising can be frustrating for any business. Whe you need to spread the word, but lack the cash to get started, here are a few simple ideas to help […]


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Kandace Heller on January 20th, 2014

When your business gets in a rut, it can take a toll on your company in its entirety. And once you get on that downward course, it can seem impossible to shake the idea of immanent failure. However, failure isn’t always the only option. Instead, there are plenty of ways to break those bad habits […]


Continue reading about Six Ways to Improve the Outlook of a Failing Business on November 25th, 2013

Choosing promotional products is like walking a thin line. While you want to find something that excites your customers and clients, you also want items that will work with your budget. Using promo items is a simple way to remind those who purchased from you before about your services or products, and handing out these […]


Continue reading about 5 Classic Promotional Items Your Company Needs to Be Using on November 16th, 2013

Your brand is the face, definition and representation of your company all in one. Branding is extremely important because it tells people what your company does as well as what it stands for. However, branding is often overlooked by business owners and pushed to the bottom of the priority list. Below are six reasons why […]


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dgupta5150 on June 26th, 2011

I was recently asked one of those questions that really make you go hmmm! The question was to do with how marketing was like a sport.  I did not have much of a response at the time. However, after thinking on it for a while I started to see some similarities, especially where business networking […]


Continue reading about Winning the game of business networking by Richard White

Skype is the ‘Jetsons’ philosophy for communications. I started using Skype to talk ‘eye-to-eye’ with my sister across the country. Then, when I found it was more than a novelty, I began to encourage various colleagues to get on Skype. At first, using the tool was a bit uncomfortable, because I didn’t know how to […]


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With High Fuel Prices, Are Face-to-Face Meetings Necessary? With much work to do and so many online tools and options, face-to-face meetings could easily be a thing of the past. However, making a connection is important and some conversations are more effective in person so when you do get on the road for those meetings, […]


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